In our conversations with others, we
present our ideas in a logical order. This way, we make sense to our
listeners. Typically, we relate events in the order they occurred, so
our listeners don't become confused as they follow our ideas.
writing, the pattern we present our ideas in is called organization.
Writers need to know about organizational patterns because readers
expect what they read to make sense logically.
The most common way to organize writing is called chronological order. Chronological order is the order in which
the events occurred, from first to last.This type of organization is especially effective if you are describing a
process, relaying a series of actions, or telling a story.
This week you must write a paragraph (between 5-10 sentences) in chronological order. You may choose from the following topics:
1. Two people met, fell in love, and got married
2. A young person discovered a particular sport, practiced/played it throughout their life and now plays professionally
3. The weather change from January to July
4. The first day of 7th grade
5. Summarizing the plot of your favorite movie or book.
6. Your morning routine to get ready for school
Your post is due no later than Friday by 5pm.