Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Blog

This week we are trying out the new blog. Most of you started your posts during class and some of you may have even finished. You are responsible for two posts.
1. The first is your "I Am" poem. 
2. The second is your recap/response to Hurricane Sandy detailing your experience of seeing it all unfold and what you may have done on your day off from school (at least 8 sentences).

You must include a picture in each post.

You can access the blog by clicking on this link:

Your posts are due no later than Saturday at 5pm.
Happy Blogging! :-)

1 comment:

  1. "The dog ran."
    The adorable brown, fuzzy puppy whizzes by me as I walk down the crumbling sidewalk every morning to the bus stop to get his delectable bone.
    "I ate fast."
    Opening the bag a crinkling sound and a salty scent filled the room, while I devoured the crispy, brown french fries as fast as I could.
    "The boy laughed"
    As the young child began to open his mouth the aroma of laughter filled the entire room.
