Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Power We Have

"This is a lesson to us all. A reminder that it doesn’t matter who you are – the way we interact with each other every day is important. We affect each other. In big ways and in small.
Whether it’s a cashier at the local shop or the new boss from regional head office, we are all people first. We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day."

Reflect upon the above quotation. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Support your response. Think of the many people you have come across in your life and describe how some have affected you.


(Respond in atleast 8 sentences. Be sure to include proper punctuation and capitalization. PROOFREAD.)


  1. I agree because everybody can be nice. For example, you could go to the the bank and the person who works there could give you a lollipop and she doesn't have to do that. Furthermore, when I went to the store one time and I didn't have enough change the clerk let me have the drink without the right amount of money. A bus driver could even do it if you don't have enough money for the bus and the bus driver could still let you on. As you can see people can make or break your day.

  2. I agree that you make someone fell great or horrible for example,maybe you live with a friend and they ask you to go buy coffee and you buy decaff instead of regular and they have to be awake for a new job.He drinks the coffee in the morning he's super tired and fails to get the job. Just because you made one mistake you can change anyone's day.

  3. I do not agree with that quote. Yes a mean person can make you feel bad. Also, a nice person can make you feel good. But, You alone have the power to determine how your day will end up. The key to this is, not caring what other people think about you. All that maters is, what you think about your self. So, as you see people can't determine how your day goes. Only you can.

  4. I agree that you have the power to fill somebody with joy or ruin somebody's day. First of all, some people are shy and don't have many friends but if you are kind to them it could make their day.However, if you avoid them or make fun of them than their day will feel ruined. Furthermore, people will respect you if you respect them and if you don't respect them it will make them feel depressed. Lastly, the little things affect people. Just calling somebody a name can ruin their day. Clearly, anybody has the power to make or break your day.


  5. I agree with the statement witch was stated in the paragraph above.
    Every one has felt really good or really bad in their life,therefore
    they have a knowledge of what makes a person feel that way. If you
    are 5 minutes late to class the teacher can give you lunch detention
    and ruin your day or let you be and let you enjoy lunch. You could
    forget to use a exclamation point when saying let's eat , gram-pa
    and your family could not eat your gram-pa. you could walk down
    the hall and some one could bully you. You could walk down the hall and some one could give you 100 dollars. You could even save someones life by just saying a few words. in conclusion we can all ruin or brightin someones day.

  6. I agree, for instance, if you are in a bad mood and you project that on to someone else it might put them in a bad mood too, or if your in a good mood then you might put that person in good mood too. An example is, on the bus one time, I forgot my bus pass at home,and the bus driver let me on. My bus driver could of easily kicked me off the bus but she was kind enough to let me go on and bring it the next day. This put me in a good mood because if she didn't let me on I would of had to wait a really long time. If my bus driver didnt let me on then I would of been in a really bad mood and I would of had to sit there waiting for a long time to get a ride. Another example is, one time my sister had a friend over, they kept using all my stuff while I wasn't there. When I got home my stuff was all over the room floor. My sister tried to say it wasnt her but I knew it was. That put me in a really bad mood. As you can see every one can have an effect on somebodies mood or how their day will go.

  7. I completely agree with the quote that says,“ We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day.” One reason is if someone treats you badly then you're probably going to be in a poor mood, but it somebody is nice to you then you’re most likely going to be in a cheerful mood. For example, if someone is making fun of you and being mean then you’re obviously going to be upset. Then if you are in a bad mood that might cause you to be mean to someone else and it could be like a cycle. On the other hand, if someone is being super nice and complimenting you then that will make you feel great so you’d be in a positive mood. Sometimes the simplest nice gesture can put somebody in an awesome mood. When I go home my parents always ask me how my day was. Little things like that could make someone a little happier after a rough day. Clearly, we have the power to make others happy or bring them down.

  8. I agree that if someone says a bad thing it can ruin your day or if someone says something good it can brighten your day. Like if somebody calls you fat, that might ruin your day. But if someone says that you look good then that might make you feel good. All in all saying something can make or break your day.

  9. I agree that we all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day. I agree with it because say Your a jerk to someone at school. They feel pretty sad about it so the whole math class they are thinking about what you said to them. Well the math teacher notices them not focusing on their work and gives them lunch detention. Then the person that you made fun of sees you and says you made me have lunch detention! Well another teacher hears them saying that to you and says hey don't blame other people for your problems and calls their parents.That night the parent has to take time to lecture that person and the time she or he is taking to lecture you is time they could be cooking dinner.And say that that persons bedtime is 9 o'clock , well now the parent starts cooking at 8 30 because of the time they had to take to lecture you and that food is done by 9 01. Well to bad for that person because their bedtime is 9 o'clock. All this started because you were mean to this person. Clearly you can fill peoples day with joy or ruin it.

  10. I fully agree that you have the power to ruin your day or put you in a cheerful mood. For example, you could ruin someone's by giving a student detention for something he/she did not do. You can also brighten someones day just by talking to them or complimenting them. Clearly you have the power to ruin or brighten their day with just the simplest words or phrases.

  11. I disagree that we can make or break someones day because you can think what you want to think. For example say someone was bulling you and said you smell bad you can chooose if it is going to effect you or not. Even if you are in a bad mood and your parents come home with a new puppy you could still be mad. Whatever you want your brain to think is up to you not up to others.

  12. I dont agree with the passgae. I dont because you can make the descion to be make your day or not. You can ignore the mean people. Also, you can just stay away from them and go with our friends instead. We have the power to make descions and make or break our day.

  13. I agree with the quote"We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day."I agree because if you are in a sicuation where you have a choice which could either make someone's day or end it you wouldn't know what would happen.When expressing your feelings you have to be careful on how you express them because everyone has a different reaction.Someone could be having a fun,happy day until you say something mean to or about them and the person could go home,feeling sad and depressed for the rest of the day which also affects other poeple he or she interacts with.If someone is having a bad day because you called them ugly or fat and goes home mad,the person could go home and express his anger in a bad way to others which could include hurting someone else.If you are angry you could hurt someone who gets made fun of and people start to bully them.People affect others' lives and dont even know it.It is fair to treat others with respect and you can expect some back.So treat others the way you want to be treated.If you are mean to people and rude to others,they will respond in a mean and rude way.So I do think "We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day."

  14. We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day." I completely agree with this quote. This quote is agreeable to me because if someone tells you, you are ugly, fat, gross etc. it will most likely put you down and stay on your mind for a day or more. This will also make you feel insecure about yourself and will leave you asking questions like, “why can’t I be like her?” or “why am I so ugly?” As you can see, that one person that picked on her spoiled her day and her self-esteem. I also agree with this because if someone tells you, you are beautiful/handsome, than that will keep you happy, positive, and higher your self-esteem. For example, today after school, I went to the mall, then P.F. Changs and the waiter there gave my mother a free cup of coffee because we were very kind to him and he wanted to return the kindness to us. As you can see, we brightened his day and as a result we got good remarks back but, if you are rude to someone you will get bad remarks back. Clearly, you have the absolute ability to make or break someone’s day.

  15. I agree and disagree with the quote "we all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day." The reason I agree with this quote is because say you're at a carnival and you want to go on the most amazing roller coaster ever, but you have no money and no tickets left. Then some lady comes up to you and gives you tickets to go on that ride. Your automatic response is that you're so excited to go on the ride and thankful for that lady. Most people would say that the lady filled you with joy, but you're the real reason your happy. You choose your emotions and if you didn't choose to be happy and excited then you wouldn't of felt that way. This is the reason why I believe you are the only one who can fill yourself with joy. Clearly, this is the reason why I agree and disagree with the quote.

  16. I believe we can change how people feel.If you just go off and keep telling someone they're ugly eventually it sinks in and they think they're ugly. Also, if you tell someone they're super cool that will sink in too. It will also work as a chain reaction. If you tell someone a positive thing they might tell some one else and so on. It is the same with being negative. So remember always speak positive or you could ruin someones day. All I have to say is I agree.

  17. In the quote it said we all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin there day. I think that we have the power to ruin each others day or make there day great. If some one hurt you physics and mentally your day would probable not go so well. For example if someone tells you are stupid than you will be thinking about it the whole day. Someone could have punched you and you would be hurt and sad for the rest of the day. If someone compliment you or bought you something you will probable be very happy.For example if someone bought you a puppy than you would probably be happy. We can all ruin each others day.

  18. I completely 100% agree with the quote “We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day”. I agree with the quote because if someone had said something mean to you or ignored you that would probably ruin your day but if somebody said something nice to you that would make you feel good about yourself and probably make your day a lot better. I have just had an experience like this with people that use to be my really good friends, we didn’t talk for a while but now we do. The first time I talked to my friends again it made me feel good, it brought a smile to my face and gave me joy to know that we could still be friends even after a fight that we had. If someone was being mean to me I know that it would ruin my day but if someone complimented me on my outfit or was just being kind, nice or friendly it would make my day! “That is why I agree with the quotes We all have the power to fill others with joy or ruin their day”.
