Monday, December 17, 2012


This week I want you to get more creative! Next week is vacation. Flash forward to and it and let's pretend there is a huge snow storm! What are you going to do? Who are you going to be with? What is the best and worst part about a snowstorm? Fill me in on your blizzard adventure! Be sure to have your writing come alive and include great detail. Do not forget to proofread!

Your post is due no later than Friday, December 21, 2012 at 5pm.
It must be at least 8 sentences long!


  1. If there were a snow storm over Christmas break I would want to be snowboarding in my yard with my friend Tiago. Also, I would want to go snowboarding at Loon Mountain for the weekend. Thirdly, I would have a snow ball fight with all the kids on my street and nail my anoying neighbor in the face. That would be the best part.
    The worst part would be that my mom would make me shovel both of my driveways. Furthermore, I would have to shovel my walkway and deck. But, the absolute worst part would be if the power went out all vacation! I wouldn’t be able to do anything such as going on the computer or watch T.V. And hopfully santa wouldn’t get stuck in the chimny

  2. Finally school is out for the week! As I'm running down the stairs, my sister stops me and says, "Look out the window." The next thing I see is really nothing but white. I reach for the phone and start to dial Nico's and Kyle's phone numbers. "Come over as soon as you can!" But, unfortunately they both say the exact same thing, "I can't the snow trapped us in our houses." Right now I have two choices, either walk to both of their houses and help them get out or stay home. I'm not going to let my two best friends freeze to death, so I started my journey to save them! First, I head over to Nico's house and somehow I get lost in the storm and find myself at Kyle's house and I'm wondering how I even got there. Eventually, I get Kyle out and we go to Nico's. We free him too. Sooner or later the storm clears and all of us say at the same time, "That was the best day ever!"

  3. Wow! I look out my window and I see a huge blizzard! I am at home all warm and cozy with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Once I see the snow I get dressed all warm and run outside with my brother. We would probably play in the snow for a little until it starts building up on the ground. When it starts to accumulate my brother and I would go get my neighbor, Luke. He has a steep driveway so we always get our sleds and go down it. Luke has a really neat sled that you can steer and we all take turns on that sled. Once we start getting cold and the snow is starting to seep into our mittens we would all go into our house. We normally make hot cocoa to warm ourselves up. My brother and Luke would most likely play X-box which I like to watch them play. Afterward, when Luke had gone home and the snow had settled down on this cold Christmas Eve Day, we would get into bed and dream about Christmas morning.

  4. When I wake up that morning I would see the snow and right away I would get my snowboard gear and go snowboarding! I would go with my older brother. My brother is the one who taught me how to snowboard. Every year we take a trip up to Vermont or New Hampshire and snowboard in the high snowy mountains. After a full day of snowboarding we would go inside and have hot, warm, sweet cup of hot chocolate. After that we would hit the mountains again with night snowboarding!

  5. I would wake up and see a huge blizzard outside.I would eat my breakfast then I would check if the storm had cleared up. It hadn't so I decided to go sledding with my cousins. We head over to a large hill and start sledding. I hope they have learned their lesson to get out of my way as I'm sledding down. When we were younger I hit them as I was coming down and they fell up and landed on top of me and we nearly went in the street.After I was done I would go out in my backyard with my dogs. It's one of my dog's first Christmas with us. I would throw the ball up on the roof for them like I normally do, but this time when it comes down it will land in feet of snow. They will scramble around for. Once one dog gets it the other will chase them for it.After that I will try to make a snow fort, but I wont be able to so I'll go inside and wait for Christmas. That is how I would spend the day in the blizzard.

  6. I wake up on a cold winter morning. I look outside and it looks beautiful. There's a white blanket over everything. Snow covers the ground, the houses, the trees, and just everything. Not fully awake, I walk downstairs. I brew myself a cup of delicious hot chocolate. I sit on my couch looking out of the window as I sip the chocolatey liquid. The hot chocolate runs down my trout warming my whole body. As I look outside I see pure white flakes falling from the sky. After I finish my hot cocoa I go back to my room and lay down on my cozy bed. Most kids prefer to go outside when it's snowing, but I prefer staying inside and observing the scenery outside. I glance out of my bedroom window while I rest on my bed that feels as if it is a cloud. I noticed it has started to snow ferociously. Thousands of tiny white dots are falling by the second. It's snowing so hard that I feel like I'm inside of a pingpong ball. As I watch the crystals quickly fall from the sky, I drift into a peaceful sleep.

  7. While on vacation, I would wake, on Christmas Eve and look out my window hoping my wish came true for snow on the ground for Christmas day. “Wow! It did! My wish came true!” I would say to myself. After all of the excitement, I would go downstairs to see what my family had planned for the day. It turned out we would be going to my cousin’s house to meet all my family and celebrate for Christmas at 6:00 p.m. Before going to my cousin’s house, my sister and I would most likely go outside and go sledding with my neighbor Jacqueline. Once we got sick and bored of the snow we would all come in for hot chocolate or tea and sit by the cozy fire watching Christmas movies. When it was almost time for the party, I would go get ready. While at the party, we would open presents and get to know how our cousins and family have been. After getting home late at night, we would tuck into our warm, snug beds and hope that there is a wonderful Christmas ahead of us.

  8. During my winter vacation, I'm going to wake up every morning at 11:00 A.M. and go to bed at 11:30 P.M. I'm going to hang out with my best friends Taila, Carissa, Kayla, and Haylee. We are going to have a mega sleep over at Kayla's house. Taila and I are going to have a snow ball fight, then we are going to pull a prank on Taila's little brother Hunter. That's the first part of my vacation. The middle part of my vacation I am going have to do a family photo. That's not my favorite part of the vacation. After that I have to stay at my dad's for Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. Then, I have to go home and open my presents from my mom, grandfather, my brother Jeremy, and my sister Tanya. Now the last part of my vacation I have to go up to New Hampshire for 2-3 days. Later, I come home get ready for school to come, waiting for the best subjects (English Language Arts, and Social Studies!) and then my not so favorite, (Math and Science). That is my whole vacation... Can't wait!

  9. My blizzard adventure would start on Christmas Eve. First I would wake up after having a wonderful dream about Christmas day. Then I would look out my bedroom window and see what seems to be a large white blanket covering the ground as far as I can see. Next I would rush down to my living room and admire the thick, white fluffy snowflakes some more. After sitting and watching the snowflakes the power is probably going to go out because I have the worst luck. So at that point I would have no choice but to go outside and go sledding with my brother and cousins. We would all rush up the hill in my back yard and go sledding for hours until it becomes dark. Then my mom would call my brother and I in and tell my cousins that it’s time to bring them home. Once my cousins leave, my whole family and I will have to go to my grandparent’s house. Once we get there we will talk and give each other gifts. That is how my blizzard over vacation is going to go.

  10. Finally!I wake up and I see the huge blizzard.The first thing I do is I put my jacket and gloves on.Then I run outside around the house because there's so much snow,I find the biggest pile of snow and I jump full speed and head first.The next thing I would do is grab my sled and head to Stage Fort Park with my dad and we both go sledding down the hill for three hours.Then when I would come home I would go inside and have some hot chocolate.Then about a half hour later, I would go back outside and build two huge fortresses and then I would invite all of the kids on my block to a huge snowball fight.That lasts for about an hour and a half.Then after that it’s about 5:00.Now it’s time to eat dinner.So I eat and after that it’s about 6:00.Then I just play xbox for the rest of the night and go to bed on christmas eve.Then I go to sleep and wait for it to become Christmas day.

  11. During my break, I hope to sleep in until around noon. When I wake up I picture my mom bringing me huge pancakes with maple syrup on the top. When I get up from my bed, after eating my delicious breakfast, I will sadly shovel mine and my neighbors driveway in the freezing cold. After that, I would probably invite my younger, annoying neighbors to come outside so I can pelt them with icy cold snowballs. As you can see, they're not my favorite neighbors. Following that, I would go inside and drink some hot chocolate and fall asleep watching my favorite Christmas movie Elf.

  12. In they event that this freak blizzard occurs it will be a bitter sweet experiences. First I would eat because my sister would probably be making crepes, after a good breakfast I would go to
    get my neighbors who share my love for snowboarding we would build
    some stuff and then ride after we would go get some hot chocolate.
    After that we would all go home and watch t.v or something.
    So that's what I would do in event you have described above.

  13. If a super powerful snowstorm was to happen next week, I think that would be a great thing. First of all, I would play video games. I would do this because, I feel bad when I play video games and It's nice out. Once on my Xbox I would see if any of my Xbox live friend were on. If someone like Otto was on then, I we would probably play Minecraft. Or, Maybe play Halo 3. Because everyone knows Halo 3 is the best Halo. If none of my friends were on I would play Call Of Duty Black Ops 2. By the way that is one of the things I want for Xmas. If I don't get it I'll be pretty upset. Because, that is the first thing I asked for. If, and when I got bored or kicked off of my Xbox i would probably call Otto and see if I could go over. Because, Otto lives right next to Beeman school. There is a giant hill next to Beeman that we like to sled down. It gits even better because plows push the snow into tall mounds next to the hills. That is what I would LOVE to do if a snowstorm was going to happen.

  14. If a snowstorm was to happen next week this is what I would do. I would wake up at about 10 am and put on some nice warm cloths. After eating a nice hot pop tart I would go into my basement and start to play my Xbox 360. I would browse through my friends and see if anyone like Otto or, Andrew was on. If one of them were on we would probably start to play a friendly game of Minecraft. But, if none of my friends were on I would play a different game like Skyrim or, Halo 3. Then about 3-5 hours later when I got kicked off I would go sledding at Beeman School. Because, there is a large hill there, and the plow trucks pile up the snow next to it. Later that day probably around 6 I would go home and relax on the couch. While doing this I would have some hot chocolate and be watching an old Christmas movie. That is what I would do one day if a snowstorm hit.

  15. Huzzah! I wake up and see millions of white flakes dropping from the dark sky. I decide to run downstairs and get my heavy coat, snow pants, gloves, snow boots, and my mask on. Then I run down to my basement to get my snowball maker and launcher so I can ambush my neighbors and family with the cold, hard feeling of a snowball hitting their face when they come outside. I'll be doing all of this while snowboarding and sledding down my hill. But when they get struck by the pain that comes with the launcher I'll have to run for my life before they can catch me or pelt me instead. Unfortunately , sometime during the day I will have to shovel my deck and use the snowblower in my driveway before I get back to the snowball war with my "enemies". I will also have to go inside for lunch some time. However, I will get right back to my battle. During the battle I might have to bring out the fire arms and throw my 58 mph fastball at the other generals. Soon, Santa will be coming so I can't hurt my neighbors and siblings too bad or I might end up getting coal for Christmas.

  16. One cold morning on christmas vacation I will wake up and look outside my bedroom window. All I can see is a white blanket covering the ground and soft thick snowflakes falling from the sky. Then I will tell my best friend Paige to wake up. As we rush down stairs we can smell the aromas of pancakes and bacon filling the air. After we eat the delicious pancakes we get our jackets on and go sledding with my sister. When the day is almost over my mom calls us back in. We drink some warm hot chocolate to warm us up.

  17. In the blizzard I would sleep in late in my warm bed. Then I would wake up and have my favorite breakfast pancakes. Then I would probaly go down in my back yard and skate on my pond. Once I get down there me and my neighborhood friends would start shoveling off the snow. Then once I get home from the pond I would watch my favorite movie in front of a warm fire. Once Im done with my movie I would call some of my friends to come over my house. Once they get to my house we would go sleeding in my backyard. After a long day of excitment I would go to bed.

  18. My dream snow day would start in the morning. Where the soft snowflakes would float down to the snow covered ground. The sun rays would hit them and the snowflakes would sparkle like diamonds. I would wake up and see the snow falling past my window. I would look out the window to see the snow blanketing everything. A giant breakfast would be waiting for me downstairs. Chocolate chip pancakes with hot coco. I would gobble down my breakfast, throw on my clothes, grab my sled and run out the door. I sled with my brother and my friends. After, sledding for four hours and snow falling in a steady beat, we all decided it was time to leave the sledding and go home. We were all exhausted as we dragged our heavy sleds to my house. While we walked the snow started to fall a little faster. By time we were half of the way there the wind was howling and the snow angrily wiped our faces. The temperature started to drop. At first slowly and then it started to drop rapidly. We started to panic for we couldn't see a thing. We heard a car like noise. Suddenly I remembered we were on the road and that cars drive on the road. Frantically we all looked around for a car. There was no car in sight. The noise drew closer and closer. Still no car. My heart is about to burst where is the car? Suddenly one of my friend grabs me, my friends and my brother and pushes us to the side. Now I understand. There is a tree a few yards from where we were standing. A tree can't be on the road so the car can't hit us. Quickly we all run to it. We huddle close to the tree. Then from the snow we catch a glimpse of a pick up truck driving by. It drove right where we were standing before. I let out a sigh and thought that was close. After we all thanked my friend for saving our lives we followed the tracks of the car. We all kept a steady look out for any other cars. After a while we arrived at my house. We all settled down on the couch with a cup of hot coco in our hands. We sipped the warm sweet chocolaty drink and watched A Christmas Carol. We were all so glad that we weren't lost in the snow. Instead we were all safe, cozy and warm. And of course happy.
