Sunday, September 30, 2012

For the Purpose of Persuading...

Flashing back to last week, we discussed Anna Quindlen’s “Melting Pot.” We talked a lot about prejudice and cultural differences. I raised the question, “What is more important, our similarities or our differences?” This is the question I want you to think about for this week’s blog post!

But first, consider this:
It seems that much of what we do in life has a purpose. Think about it! You go to school to learn, you brush your teeth to prevent cavities, and you eat to fulfill hunger…  Well authors also WRITE with a purpose too!
In fact, you have a PURPOSE for writing this week’s blogpost; and the purpose isn’t just to get your homework assignment done!  (HA) Your purpose for writing this blogpost is to PERSUADE your audience.

With a blog post of at least 8 sentences or more, I want you to PERSUADE or convince readers that our similarities are more important than our differences OR our differences are more important than our similarities (whichever you choose to argue).
Support your argument. Why do YOU think similarities more important? Or why do YOU think differences are more important? Why should readers agree with YOU? Give an example or two. Write so that others will understand your point of view and be persuaded by it! 

Your post is due no later than Friday, October 5th at 5pm!


  1. I think our similarities are more important than our differences. Similarities are a lot more important because if you only cared about the differences in your friends than it would not be fun to hang out with them. Similarities are also very important when you have a friend because if you and your friend have a lot in common than you can do more when you hang out and you can actually talk to them about subjects that each one of you like. It would be good if people over look the differences and think of the positives about people. When you walk down the hall in school most people judge others by the way they dress or the way their hair is done. Although he/she may not look like you or your friends, that person might actually have a boat load of similarities between you and them. I think it would be better if everyone just looked at the similarities between them and others. If they did that there would be less people that are bullied and judged just by their looks.

    1. @Melanie WOW! i think you did really good and thought about the question! You really tried and I think you did really good!!

  2. I think that both similarities and differences are important. The reason that I think similarities are important are because you usually make friends because of the many similarities you share with them. Also, a reason that similarities are important are because if you like a certain thing like sports, you might join a certain team that another friend who enjoys sports is on. Furthermore, similarities are important because people in your families share traditions and that is a similarity that is important to you and your family. I believe that differences are just as important as similarities. I think that because everyone should be different in their own way. You shouldn’t have to change who you are because you want to be like someone you admire or you like. Those are the reasons that I think similarities and differences are equally important.

  3. I think that are differences are more important. Because if we were all the same life would be boring. I like excitement and thrills. If everything was always the same then I would not get exited or thrilled. In fact I would get the opposite of that I would always be bored. But nevertheless I don't think we should go around hatting everyone who is different though. We should get to know people that are different because maybe we will like their culture or, whatever it is that makes us different from that particular person or group. So to conclude my blog post I think that we should learn to balance our similarities and differences, so we can life a nice non boring life.

  4. I think both are important. Because the similarity are that me and my friends get along together.Also we learn the same thing together.Differences are important also because you can learn new things from your friends. Just like new languages. Like Irish Italian french Spanish and others. We could also learn new kind of games. Like what they used to played when they lived in there state or country.That is why it is important about having both similarity and differences of each other.

  5. I think our differences and our similarities are both equally important. I believe that they are both equally important because if we all were the same then it would be boring. If we were all different and had not one thing the same we would probably hate each other, and think one another is very boring because they don’t like the same thing. If we all were exactly the same we would get bored of each other because you wouldn’t be introduced to anything else. If we all had nothing in common we would never want to hang out with anyone else because we wouldn’t want to do anything with each other. So if we have some similarities we most likely never get sick of a person because you can bond with what you have in common. If we have some differences you can get introduced into something new. So in my opinion both are equally important.

  6. I think that our similarities are more important then our differences. I think our similarities are more important because that's what makes us friends with people. If we just focused on all the differences in people then no one would have any friends. Also if we only thought about the differences there would be so many people being mean to others. If we just looked at the similarities than so many people would be nice to eachother. The similarities in people are more important because if we get to know someone you are almost guaranted to have atleast one thing in common with them. If you see someone that you don't really know and notice that they look different that might make not want to get to know them. If you make snap judgements about people about there differences then you lost what could've been a friend if you had lokked at the similarities instead.

  7. I think our similarities are more important than our differences. It's better to think about our similarities than the things that are different than each other. We need to be more positive than negative. They are more important because it's more fun to talk about the things we have in common. No one likes talking about something with a friend when you have a different opinion about it. Similarities make people friends. If all you thought about was the differences about someone you wouldn't really get to be friends with them.

  8. I think that our differences our more important than our similarities. I think this because our differences make us who we are, if we did not have any differences we would all look the same, like the same things. How boring would it be to go to a store and see the same faces on everyone, and the same items in everyones cart or basket. If we were all the same we would have nothing to make us unique. I think similarities can be important but, I think differences are more important.

  9. I think our similarities are more important than our differences. I think our similarities are more important because think about all your friends, the reason that you are friends with them is because you enjoy there company and you are similar to them in many ways. If you only thought about all your differences you would have nothing to say to each other. Also our differences is what makes people get into arguments and make people disagree. Lastly if you looked at someone for the first time and they didn't look like you, you probably wouldn't want to be there friend because they are different. But if you looked at someone you didn't know and just tried to get to know them you will probably get along and become friends. This is why I think similarities are more important than our differences.

  10. I think it's more important for us to have differences.Because to be honest if there was never any excitement or thrills,Then there's almost no piont in living.If everything was always the same there would never be any EXCITEMENT.In fact if everyone was the same it would be the exact opposite and be boring.I personally don't think anybody should go around hating people just because they're different.We should be able to get along because maybe there's something you like about them.So to finish of my blog post i'd like to say that we should be able to focus on both our similarities and differences.

  11. I think that our differences and similarities are more important. Imagine a world that's completely the same. Every one would wear the same things. Every one would like to do the same thing. It wouldn't be be exiting. I also think that being totally different would also bad. We wouldn't get along at all. We would always be doing totally different things. No one would be able to talk to there friends about sports, video games and other things because they would't do the same things. I think that it is good to have some similarities and some differences.

  12. I think both our similarities and differences are important,I think so because if there are two friends who like and dont like the same exact things it could get annoying and very boring for the both of them an it wouldnt be fun either.Our similarities can be important when it comes to things like war,if two countries dont think the same and connect they would or could start a war.I think differences are important also because if everyone walked,talked,dressed,and thought like each other it wouldnt be fun and would most likely get annoying.People judge others by there looks and apperearences because they're different, but if we all took the time to know each other than we might be able to find similarities with other people that we aren't or dont expect which could start a close and very exciting relationship.Our differences and similarities are both important because there are people in the world who want to change because they think it isnt ok to be different so they try to change in order to be similar to others and try their best to fit in and their personalities start to change and it might not be as interesting to be "just" like someone else.That is why I think our similarities and differences are both important.

  13. I feel our similarities are more important because if we only focused on are differences no one would get along. If we only focused on are differences everyone would hate each other because
    no 2 are exactly alike. sense no one is the same and we all have
    other likes, beliefs, and interests so no one would like each other
    and no one would have friends it would be extremely boring.

  14. I think our differences and our similarities are both important. It really depends on what you have more of though. My best friend and I have plenty of differences but we have more similarities. A kid and my brother don't get along so well though. They have more differences than similarities. The same thing happens with my neighbor and I. When he annoys me I call him portly. In conclusion, I believe both our similarities and differences are both important.

  15. I feel like our similarities and our differences are equally important. Our similarities keep us together but our differences make us interesting. If everybody was exactly the same we would like it at first but then get bored of it fast. If we had nothing in common we would not care about each other. There has to be some differences in friends so they could get along. Also there has to be some similarities between enemies for them to hate each other. Some people don’t even know this. That is why similarities and differences are equally important.

  16. I think that our differences are more important than our similarities because our differences are what makes us, us. If everybody was the same it would be pretty boring because then we wouldn’t like different things. Not everybody likes sports. I have friends that have the same interests as me and I also have friends that like different interests. Some people might like cheerleading and others might not. If everyone did like the same things we would have nothing interesting to talk about it would just be boring. Our similarities are also important because that’s how we make friends based on our similarities or things that we have in common.

  17. I think our difference are more important than or similarities because often our differences bring us together. I think they are both important because it is a way to meet others but I dont think that similarities are as important because if we were all the same it would be boring. I think that our differences are more important.

  18. I think our differences are more important then our similarties. I think that cause what if evryone was alike. Did the same thing. The same routine every single day. What if they nedded the same supplies of food. Stores would be running out. Also if we were the same it would be very boring never seeing anyone, anything different.That is why I think our differences is more important then our similaraties
